Thursday, September 18, 2008

ATWT Dragging out

I know that soaps are used to doing things to story lines that create a dramatic effect but seriously one of the most annoying things they do is drag out one to ridiculous extremes. Like for instance the storyline with Ethan stuck in the pit. took two days for them to get the kid out and only after Paul goes in the pit to try and save him. Come on! Lily's rich, her mother's rich and not one of them thought to fly in the proper equipment and rescue team to save him until more than a day later. Dude that would have my first thought and if they couldn't do that they could have gone outside of the box and used that big digger to go over the pit with a rigged rope to have someone go down there and save him. Let's not even mention the part where the kid has only a few bruises and scratches after falling down a pit that was deep enough to get Holden injured when he was only part way down the hole. I know kids can be resilient but that's just pushing it. Anyway that's my peeve for the day.

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