Saturday, January 3, 2009

Stick an "I Twilight" Pin On Me too, I'm Converted.

Okay so remember what I said about probably ending up a fan of Twilight along with everyone else if I ended up reading the book. Well I ended up reading all four and even those twelve chapters of Midnight Sun that will sadly never be finished. What a surprise. I was hooked. I'm glad I saw the movie first before reading the book however because if I saw it after reading it I would have been even more disappointed with the movie. I just thought that Kristen Stewart was not believable as Bella. She doesn't seem fragile to me at all and like one of my co-workers said, she looks like she's a part of the "in" crowd. Robert Pattinson was actually pretty decent as Edward. He's got that bemused and brooding look down pat. I'm a little curious though about the fourth book. If they actually end up doing a movie on Breaking Dawn will they go as far as they did during the birth because that's just a bit creepy to actually show the birth scene. My imagination did well on its own and it makes me wonder what parent actually knows what their kids' been reading. I've seen kids as young as six read the Twilight books and I find myself surprised that they can get away with reading the fourth one. The first three aren't bad, its the fourth one with the description of what Nesse did to mommy when she was handed over to her. Now if they put that in the movie I have a feeling it won't be a PG13 rating anymore. I liked the books very much. They were entertaining..well except maybe for the second book which drags and I actually skimmed through most of the middle hoping for it to get interesting again. I found that without the vampires in it the story was actually dull. In the end I'm really hoping that one day Stephanie Meyers will finish Midnight Sun when her mind clears up all the background noise of all the fans and the critics because I really believe that Edwards story should be told. Frankly his head is very interesting. He is a crack up. If you have yet to read those twelve chapters you should go to Stephanie Meyers website and read it.